2023 CGFW|曼彻斯特城市大学-曼彻斯特时装学院:从始至终From Start To Finish
时间:2024-11-20 09:41:18 来源:东风谷静芙网 作者:探索 阅读:963次
简介Brief Introduction曼彻斯特城市大学的曼彻曼彻曼彻斯特时装学院是英国最大的时装学院之一,以培养高职业素养的毕业生而闻名。拥有湿印机实训室、斯特斯特时装数码印刷机实训室 、城市从始激光切割机实训室等完备的大学行业标准设备和经验丰富的技术人员。课程包括时装市场营销、学院时装采购与商品管理到时装设计、至终时装艺术指导和推广等,曼彻曼彻涵盖时装行业的各个领域
、教授团队和科研人员都是城市从始各自领域的行业翘楚。Manchester Fashion Institute (MFI) in Manchester Metropolitan University is 大学one of the UK’s largest fashion schools, known for producing industry-ready graduates, and equipped with extensive facilities that include experienced technicians and industry standard equipment like wet print room, digital print facilities, laser cutting machinery and so on. Courses that MFI offers span the breadth of the fashion industry, from marketing, buying, and merchandising to design, art direction and promotion. Academic teaching staff, professors and researchers here are experienced professionals at the forefront of their fields.国内及国际合作Domestic and International Cooperation曼彻斯特时装学院的学生有机会开展国际同行项目合作、参与行业现场项目 、学院参加一年期工作实习和/或进行海外学习或交流 。至终例如,曼彻曼彻曼彻斯特时装学院于2022年分别与东华大学和丹迪风格开展合作项目。The斯特斯特时装re are opportunities to undertake collaborative projects with international peers, live projects with industry, a work placement year and/or overseas study or exchange. For example, Manchester Fashion Institute respectively launched cooperative projects with Donghua University and Dandy Style in 2022.王牌专业介绍Major Programmes Introduction时装(荣誉)文学学士BA (Hons) Fashion介绍 Introduction曼彻斯特时装学院的时装专业一直是曼彻斯特城市大学的核心专业。开设的城市从始时装(荣誉)学士项目久负盛名,致力于培养有创造力
、独创性、复合型、高技能的时装专业毕业生。时装专业聚焦于当代时装设计,鼓励学生打破时装传统观念和现有纺织品设计工艺的束缚,大胆创新 、勇于实践。Fashion of MFI has been a core part of the University. Especially, BA (Hons) Fashion programme has an excellent reputation for producing fashion graduates who are employed for their creativity, originality, versatility, and professional skills. It focuses on contemporary fashion design and encourages students to be creative and experimental while challenging the conventions of fashion and textile design practices.作品展示Works Show时装设计与技术(荣誉)文学学士BA (Hons) Fashion Design & Technology介绍 Introduction时装设计与技术专业聚焦于现代设计和技术应用。该专业鼓励学生彰显作为创意从业者和技术从业者的个性特点,打造个人职业兴趣领域的作品集,例如:奢侈品时装、定制时装 、创意剪裁时装 、户外时装、牛仔时装
、休闲时装或功能性时装等 。This programme has a strong reputation for the ability to develop innovative ranges using both manual and digital technologies. Students are encouraged to express their individual identity as creative and technical practitioners, developing a portfolio that specialises in areas appropriate to their career aspirations such as luxury, tailoring, creative cut, outerwear, denim, lifestyle, or performance fashion products.作品展示Works Show时装设计与技术专业硕士MA Fashion Design Technology介绍 Introduction时装设计与技术专业硕士项目致力于为未来的时装行业开创先河,大力开展创新性 、可持续性和包容性的设计
。技术应用和以人为本的设计是该硕士项目的核心,学生使用创新的设计方法制作具有替代性 、创造性和实验性的设计作品
。MA Fashion Design Technology is committed to pioneering innovative, sustainable, and inclusive design for a future fashion industry. Technology and human-centric design are at the heart of this programme. Students use innovative design methods to generate alternative, creative and experimental outputs.作品展示Works Show本季中国国际大学生时装周视频展播中呈现的优秀毕业生作品,充分体现了曼彻斯特时装学院在新时代时尚创意人才培养方面的实力和创新能力
。曼彻斯特时装学院也希望通过此次线上教学成果展示,增强与中国国际大学生时装周平台上各大海内外院校的学术与人才交流,彼此促进。Outstanding graduates works presented in the video exhibition at 2023 China Graduate Fashion Week shows the excellent outputs of Manchester Fashion Institute in Manchester Metropolitan University, fully reflects the strength and innovation ability of Manchester Fashion Institute in the training of fashion creative talents in the new era. Through showcasing its teaching achievements online, Manchester Fashion Institute also aims to strengthen both academic and talent exchanges, and promote mutual development with major domestic and foreign universities on the platform of China Graduate Fashion Week.
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